Wednesday, April 21, 2010

San Carlos de Bariloche

We left El Bolson this morning around noon for a short bus trip north to a bigger town called San Carlos de Bariloche (just Bariloche for short).  We did a crazy steep hike this afternoon (instead of using the gondola to the top) and got some great pictures overlooking the lake that surrounds the city.  The mountain was called Cerro Otto and has a rotating restaurant at the top.  After our long hike we were in need of some sustenance and libations, but they were charging an outrageous fee just to enter the area.  So we did what any good backpackers with little to no money and sneaked our way into the restaurant after being told we needed to have a special ticket.  The rotating restaurant kept circling the area with the guard so we had to turn our faces away from the windows to avoid being caught...yeah I know nothing like acting like a rebel.  As my dad always said..."Its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission."  Our return trip to town took us through random paths with a vague sense of our direction.  We ended up hitchhiking our way back into town (moms do not worry--it was completely safe...we outnumbered the old man 3 to 1 and besides the whole town seemed to be doing it because the buses were on strike, which consists of the buses lining up along the main square all day blaring their horns every few have to love South America).  All in a days work. 

The picture doesnt show how freaking steep of a climb this calves were sore the next day! (-Kerry, obviously Scott is in tiptop shape and wasnt slowed down at all)

Our hiking buddy Chris who we met in El Bolson...evidence of us breaking the rules!

We took a different path back and the sun started to set before we got back to the city. It was absolutely amazing!

We have planned to rent a car with a couple friends for a 2 day trip around the Tres Parques Siete Lagos (Seven Lakes) which is supposed to be absolutely beautiful.  We are staying the night in San Martin de los Andes and returning to Bariloche on Friday.  We plan to hop on a night bus Friday afternoon to Mendoza so we aren't sure whether we will be able to post anything in the meantime so we just wanted to give everyone a heads up as to our plans in case we are MIA.  Hope everyone is doing well back home and elsewhere...we miss everyone!  Rock 'n Roll!

1 comment:

  1. Dude...wash your have dirt all over it...glad to see you can grow a beard at 29 years old...hope all is well!
