Saturday, April 3, 2010

Florianoplis Fast Forward

We started off our second to last day in Florianopolis with ambitions to hike another good trail and hopefully find a hidden beach like our first day. We didnt have the same map we did the first day but we knew the beach near our apartment was on a national reserve so we just assumed we could find hiking. My lovely triathalete boyfriend swore up and down that the beach was 3, MAYBE 4, miles to the mountain we were aiming at....I swore it was more. Need I say who won?

We walked for about 2 hours, took a rest, quick dip and continued on for who knows how much longer. We realized that the sceanery never changed so we werent even positive we had made it half way. We saw a path and assumed it went to the road - it did but through a creepy deserted camp site straight out of a Jason movie. Luckily, it was still daylight and the one man we spoke to wore no mask.

This was the mountain we wanted to hike, from about the point that we gave up

Once we got to the road, we started walking (again, scary movie reference - Texas Chainsaw Massacre, except it was a little prettier). We finally got on a bus only to be dropped off at a corner and told to wait for another bus. We decided while we were out, we wanted to see more of the island and got on the bus going the opposite way as our apt. Once we paid and were on, we realized we had almost no money left! So we say on the bus waiting for it to do it's entire route so we didnt have to pay another fare. We did see more of the island but not the pretty parts.

We FINALLY made it home after 3 hours of beach walking, 2 hours of waiting for the bus,  and at least 1 and 1/2 hours on the bus. And honestly, if this is the worse that happens to us this entire trip, we are well off!

Few highlights of the day:
Scott made a friend - Divot better watch where his loyalty lies. Even though we didnt feed him and really didnt give him that much attention, he followed us for at least 30 min into our walk and again around town later

2 horses trying to mate...only problem was the male was too short - humorous to say the least

Our last day in Florianopolis happened to be Good Friday. We spent the first part of the day walking around Barr do Lagoa, the town we stayed, including a short hike to discover another beach (IF ONLY WE HAD KNOWN THE DAY BEFORE!). The town is a fishing town; all the fishing boats are brightly colored. It's really beautiful.

Our bus left for Iguazu Falls at 6pm, so we decided to go to the Center early to walk around there for a little while. I mentioned Good Friday because although the beaches were hopping, the center was absolutely dead! We knew it would be slow, but never imagined it would be this ghost-like. The businesses and shops were obviously closed but so were the cafes, restaurants, the market, even McDonalds! Only Bob's Burgers was open (a McD's wanna-be) and the street vendors - which were tried for the first time and had a pleasent experience. [Moms - we are at Iguazu Falls in a small town in Argentina; there are no Cathedrals to see Easter Mass but we did listen to Good Friday Mass outside of a pretty big Church in Florianopolis, while we munched on meat on a stick]

Bridge to Florianopolis right before we left...

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