Monday, April 5, 2010

Cataratas Falls--Argentinian Side

Argentina has a national park just like Brazil where you can view the falls from the other side of the river.  We signed up for a jeep trip and a motor boat trip into the falls (similar to the Maid of the Mist in Niagra), but as we would soon find out...much better!!

The jeep trip was pretty uneventful...very green...

...but then we got ride in this boat with twin 250 engines which take you up the river right under the falls!  It was crazy, so much water was falling you could barely see anything, the mist is incredible! 

We literally got soaked under the falls (obviously we couldnt take the camera out so you'll have to imagine)

The boat went almost right underneath but the walkways went pretty close to the crashing water as well!

The Argentinian side was really good, especially the Devil's Throat area...which the walkway extends right up the edge of and you get an incredible view of how poweful the falls really are.  There is a running vote on which side is better and up until the very end of the day I was thinking it was pretty close, but the view from atop the Devil's Throat on the Argentinian side is hands down one of the most incredible things we have ever seen...the amount of water falling is unbelievable.  It's shaped much like a giant "U" with water cascading from all sides.  The noise of all the water is massive...its all you can hear from the walkways leading up to the falls. 

The pictures don't do justice to how massive and powerful these falls really are...especially at the Devil's Throat!

Behind us, the curve of the U of the falls...

You can see both sides in the picture...two sides of the U

We took a 4km hike to this little pool area where you can play around in the water and take pictures...its off the beaten path so not many people are there which is really are some of the pics from that area.


  1. The falls are unbelievable. Nature's amazing
    shower!! Take care-love! Mom

  2. That UVA shirt is AWESOME......
    for real though, the waterfall pictures are amazing
