Tuesday, April 13, 2010

City Tour and Boca Junior Futebol Match

We went on a walking tour of Buenos Aires in the morning with a local tour guide and ended up having our own private tour of the city.  We learned a ton about the history of the city and its alternating democratic presidents and military dictatorships, including Peron and Evita (see relatively recent Madonna movie for further details on Argentinian history).  Here are some new pictures of the city.

Presidential Palace...yes its pink!!

Plaza de Mayo...center for all Argentinian demonstrations...

The Headless Man...one of the many street performers at the Sunday market in San Telmo

Futebol Match

We went through a local company to the Boca soccer game the other night.  They organized the bus ride (through a pretty dicey part of town...side note, when we were walking around during the day in Boca a few days ago a police officer stopped us and asked where we were headed we told him and he told us just to get on the soonest bus at the next corner...apparently that area can be a little rough around the edges, add a futebol match in the mix + tourist...and you have yourself a recipe for problems) to a bar where we had beer and pizza with other local fans and then headed to the game.  Entering the stadium was a feat...they started the pat down searches 3 blocks from the actual stadium and by the time wereached the gate we had been searched at least 4 times...thats South American soccer for ya.  Being a Monday night they didnt expèct a sellout but it was probably 80% full so approximately 40,000 of possible 54,000.  The place was rocking with songs all game long.  The one end line is known as the ´12th player´ for their chants and constant noise.  Boca won 4-0 and their long time player Palermo scored his 219th and 220th goals setting a Boca record.  It was a great experience...right down to the away fans throwing blocks of ice at Boca fans from the upper decks...what atmosphere!!

Pizza and beer before the game at a local bar...see food...

Pictures from the game...

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