Saturday, April 3, 2010

Apartment Hunting

We went apartment hunting in the morning trying to find a better place to stay than the hostel we were in.  The hostel wasnt the worst in the world, but definitely wasnt the best.  We got off the bus with our backpacks and a guy quickly can up and asked if we needed an apartmentos and we followed him around to a couple places before settling on a nice little place complete with a stove and fridge and bathroom for R$50 a night, which is really good.  The couple we are renting from is really nice too!

Here are some pics of our wonderful abode...small but nice : )

And we cooked a wonderful spagetti and brazilian sausage meal..heres our deck...

And our superb view from the apartment...

We spent the day at the beach, relaxing and reading our books.  It´s amazing how tiring this traveling is ; )


  1. Happy Easter Kerry & Scott - Glad you got a little religion in on Good Friday. I am loving reading your blog & looking at the pictures. So sorry I missed your phone call. I was at the below ground Harris Teeter discussing merits of Malbec wine (imagine that?) Love you!!! Mom (Kerry's)

  2. Your blogs are awesome. The mountains and
    water are beautiful. Love you both.

  3. Love you Moms! (from Kerry and Scott, although it just shows Scott as editor) :) HAPPY EASTER
