Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hiking the Florianopolis Mountain

We arrived in Florianopolis at 7am, quickly found the local buses to our hostel, checked in, ate breakfast, got an espresso and were out the door for a day of hiking (or trekking if you are from any other part of the world--I do admit it sounds a bit more adventuresome.

We rode the bus around, missed out planned stop and luckily the bus driver (obviously sensing we were trying to find the beach area) told us to get off at the last stop before the bus headed back inland.  We wandered around this residential area until we found the this is what we discovered....

We grabbed some bread, snacks and deli meats from a local mercado and headed for the hills with the help of some super nice locals who pointed us in the right direction after we used our super language skills (translation--motioning our legs like we were hiking to them).  We had to hike over this mountain that was pretty dense looking with steep, rocky and narrow paths to find this little beach area on the other side...boy was it worth it though!!  The beach is more or less deserted with only like 10 people total and was amazing.

Above--pictue looking back to what we hiked from and Below--the ´`private`` beach we hiked over the mountain to...

We grabbed some bread, snacks and deli meats from a local mercado and headed for the hills with the help of some super nice locals who pointed us in the right direction after we used our super language skills (translation--motioning our legs like we were hiking to them).  We had to hike over this mountain that was pretty dense looking with steep, rocky and narrow paths to find this little beach area on the other side...boy was it worth it though!!  The beach is more or less deserted with only like 10 people total and was amazing.

Also the weather has been great, with alot less humidity and less heat since leaving Rio.  Hiking today we perfect, with a nice breeze most of the day.  We are planning on staying here for a few more days and are going to try to rent a small apartment which apparently only costs like 50reals ($27US) total for 1 night.  Thats all for now...

1 comment:

  1. So glad to talk to you. Give Kerry our love.
    Sounds like heaven!!!!!
