Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Phong Nha and Paradise Caves

Phong Nha Cave is very famous in Vietnam. It is 7,729 metres long and contains 14 grottoes, as well as a 13,969 metre underground river and can only be accessed by boat. Which we did and was very cool. They shut off the engine and oar through it so it's very quiet, dark and creepy. It's large carverns and huge limestone stalactites and stalagmites are quite impressive! 

Cave entrance: 

Pictures of course don't do it justice but here's an examples of the inside: 

We had the morning free before going to see Paradise Cave so we rented a motorbike and road around the Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park, which surrounds the caves we came to see. In fact, the park is is composed of 300 caves and grottos, including Son Doong Cave - just discovered in 2009 and is the largest cave in the world! I digress, the park itself is also very beautiful as are the farms and rice fields we went through after. 


Our coffee stop:

Paradise Cave - 524 steps to mouth, 3rd largest in world, 31km long, stretches into Laos, 250-400 million years old, and includes a massive cavern. It was discovered in 2005 and opened to the public in 2011. It is known as the "World's Most Beautiful Cave" at least according to our tour guides :) We both had to admit that it was pretty damn spectacular! Photos don't do it justice but here are some to try: 

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