Friday, April 17, 2015

Bike around Vientiane

We had one day in the capital of Laos, Vientiane, before we left for Hanoi so we rented bikes and cruised around the city.  It was the first day after Songkran (Buddhist New Year 3 day holiday) so everything was pretty quiet around town.  

This was in stark contrast to the water parties that were raging all over the city last night when we arrived. It was bumper to bumper traffic with people spraying water everywhere and dancing in the streets to blarring music.  Complete pandemonium!  Today....not so much (ironically is was super hot again so the water would have felt great)

The Laotian version of the Arc de Triumph (celebrating is independence from France).  It was built from concrete donated by the US for a new runway at the airport..Some random pics from around town

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