Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bike ride from Hue to Hoi An via Van Hai Pass

Van Hai Pass - (Vietmanese for "ocean cloud pass") is an approximately 21 km long and 1627ft high mountain pass that traverses a spur of the larger Annamite Range that juts into the South China Sea. 

We needed to get down to Hoi An from Hue (140k) so what easier/better way than to travel most of the way by bike. We arranged a day trip with a local travel company called Phat Tire to support the ride which included an 80k bike ride starting in Hue and ending in Danang, which is just north of Hoi An.  The ride was very scenic, crossing rice fields in their prime for harvest season, coastlines and fishing villages.

The last part of the ride included a 10k climb up Van Hai Pass and a 10k descent.  It was a beautiful coastal road that climbed into the clouds from sea level.  Overall it was a great day on the bike...what better way to travel between cities.  Props to Kerry for sticking it out and hanging tough in th heat and hills!

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