Saturday, March 21, 2015

What Day is It?

We survived the 30+ journey to Istanbul (who bought these flights!?) with a quick sight-seeing stop in Dubai, fell into bed after an authentic Turkish meal of lamb and meatballs (very good actually!) and slept for 12 hours. We have been putting off posting because we like to include pictures but haven't done a good job of taking any with the phones for easy upload. We'll get better - promise. We've had two good touristy days in Istanbul and are already exhausted - um, are we too old for this? Nah, it's just the time difference! At least that's what we keep telling ourselves. Pictures to come of all the beautiful sights - a lot of mosques, think Churches in Rome, Italy. Our first day out, our sustenance came almost completely from street vendors - kebabs, rolls with Nutella, chestnuts, corn on the cob, some kinda pizza wanna-be thing that we called a "cheese boat" but actually turned out to have a lot of onions (that was the only failure). We've learned a ton of history and Kerry's learned some geography - a lot we didn't know and/or realized was based here or in close proximity.

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