Thursday, March 26, 2015

Welcome to Thailand

Yesterday we made the trek from Istanbul to Bangkok, Thailand.  While on the topic of flights, we have to recommend flying Emirates whenever on every flight (surprisingly good), personal movie screens (last flight in economy had 15" lcd screens), great movie slection and of course free drinks...

So during our last flight I may or may not have spilled my wine all over the back of the seat.  Kerry enjoyed this way too much, hence the photos below.  Sorry Emirates.  For the record, thio was just moments after catching Kerry's cup that had slid almost down the entired tray and into my lap.  Luckily, I somehow avoided getting a drop on my clothes!

Koa San Road in Bangkok (very popular with the street vendors)

Chai-yoh (cheers!)


  1. My best airline experience in recent years was MEA Middle Eastern Airlines out of Lebanon. US airlines are not customer friendly to say the least.
