Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Southeast Asia here we come!

With our South American blog unfinished (sadly almost 5 years later), we begin our next adventure…Southeast Asia!! 

It’s with fireworks and cork-popping that we unveil our new unique blog title…Scott and Kerry’s Southeast Asia Adventure. 

Yes that’s right…we are traveling again.  This time its 3 ½ months of trekking through Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong.  On the way there we are stopping in Istanbul, Turkey for a week of sightseeing as well.  It should be a great trip and we are very excited to get started!        

Our plan is to update this blog with pictures and witty commentary to entertain our friends and family back home and selfishly as a way to document our trip. 

Of course, we may post on Facebook from time to time as well since as we all know that has become the best method of making your friends jealous of all the cool stuff you do.  **Notably absent from our posts will be the tiffs, the wandering, the sweating in severe heat, the cramped bus rides, and the language barriers. 

But rest assured, you will see the beautiful landscapes, the massive temples, the incredible food, the indigenous cultures, the clear blue waters and the amazing sunsets. :P

Think of our blog as Anthony Bourdain meets beautiful woman and her triathlete husband…with slightly less production value.     

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