Sunday, March 14, 2010

Welcome to the first post on our blog. As you can probably tell from the title of the blog, we have planned a trip to South America. We plan on using this blog as a sort of diary of the interesting things that we see on our trip. As a pictorial introduction I have attached this photo of us at the Real Madrid Soccer Stadium called Estadio Santigao Bernabeu in Madrid, Spain.

We have decided to backpack for about two and half months around South America, with visits to Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. It has been something we have talked about for awhile and now are finally doing! Kerry is a bit of a wanderlust and has inspired me (Scott) to travel more and do something I've wanted to do for a very long time. There have been many convenient excuses in the past, but finally we've taken the plunge. We are both very excited about the trip and have spent the past weeks trying to plan everything. We don't have a set itinerary (plan...what plan?!?), but do plan on taking a Spanish course in Montevideo and/or Buenos Aires about the third week we are there. It's going to be an amazing trip and we cannot wait for it to start!!

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