Monday, March 29, 2010

Travel Day

We are leaving Paraty today by bus and heading to Sao Paolo for a brief stopover and then down to another beach town south of Sao Paolo called Florianopolis.  Its supposed to be a really nice, relaxed beach town with surfing and pretty coastline.  We have more pictures of our last day in Paraty where we took a boat to a bunch of small islands, but we won´t post them probably for a couple of days.  Hope everyone is doing well, we miss everyone!


  1. Scott and Kerry-

    Keep the blog updates coming! I love checking in. It is great to see you guys are having a great time. The picture of Scott in the waterfall is awesome :).


  2. Forgot to keep up with yall so I am just catching up with all the fun times. Glad to see I am missing as much fun as I thought I was, oh and is the food awesome?

  3. everything looks so awesome!!!! glad you guys are having a great time! Can't wait to see more pictures
