Monday, May 10, 2010

Sucre, Bolivia arrival

We took a taxi from Potosi to Sucre, about a 2 hour drive, instead of taking the bus.  Not to go off on too long of a tangent, but the buses in Bolivia are definitely an experience.  We had taken a bus from Uyuni, after the salt flat tour, to Potosi the other night and what a rude awakening it was.  The bus left at 7pm and was supposed to arrive in Potosi around 1am (we actually arrived at 2am).  The buses are extremely cheap down here, but you get what you pay for--they are pretty dirty, play extremely loud music--abnoxiously loud!! and smell terrible.  Departing the bus station the bus was full.  Apparently my definition of ´full´differs substantially from the Bolivians definition, because within 30min there were an additional 15 people standing in the aisles of the bus.  They packed themselves in with their bags, children, etc.  It was amazing!  There was even this super drunk guy who could barely stand up, he ended up laying down on the floor and sleeping.  These people stood for the 7 hour trip to! 

Sucre was a great place...wish we could have spent even more time here.  The city had a great vibe and the food was really good and pretty cheap (as are most things in Bolivia).  We did a walking tour and learned some really cool things about the city and relaxed the rest of the time. 

These Bolivian ladies push orange carts all over the town and make fresh squeezed orange juice right on the spot...the juices down here are absolutely´s a toast...

Arch picture

Panoramic view of the mountains surrounding Sucre...

Famous palace outside the Sucre designed by an Italian architect...the owners used to talk each morning from their respective pretentious

Beautiful buildings next to a construction site...not sure why I posted this one, but pictures take so long to load I didnt want to waste it!

Sunset from atop Sucre

Our Sucre tour guide Pedro...

Pretty girl and an ugly guy

Tried out the night setting on our camera using a tripod...not too shabby...view is from the top of our first rate hotel on our last night in Sucre

Sucre airport walking on the tarmac...let me take a second to explain the ¨security¨at this airport...we placed our bags on a metal table, walked through a metal detector (not even sure if it was on because I had forgotten to take stuff out of my pockets and it never went off) and once through the metal detector the inspection guy handed our bags back without even glancing in them...kinda scary...luckily this was only a domestic flight...but still...

Off to La Paz...

1 comment:

  1. All the new photos are wonderful.
    Like the tricky photos as well.
